Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mark Sanchez takes on the Big Apple

Well, it's only been a few days since the New York Jets moved up in the NFL draft and scooped up hot USC quarterback commodity Mark Sanchez. While it may be months until the New York media lets us know how they feel about Mr. Sanchez, it seems the young man has already fallen head-over-heels for the Big Apple.

Not only has Sanchez thrown out the first pitch at a NY Mets game...

But the man is already conquering Broadway.

But I find the most curious aspect of his twitter-updated whirlwind NYC tour is that he's never once ridden the subway before? Really?

No offense, but the NYC subway is the last place I'd consider even talking to people. Honestly, it seems like Sanchez is genuinely excited to be a part of New York City sports history. Congratulations to the young man, but hopefully he realizes the pressure and the microscope he'll be under come next fall. Don't get too comfortable now, Mark. It is New York.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Barry Zito geeks out...

So with an ERA of 10 and a Win-Loss record of 0-2, Barry Zito sure has a lot on his mind...um...except baseball. Here are a few of his recent tweets:

Zito's thought on Radiohead reissues...

Zito wants a...drum kit? Betcha he works on his jazz chops more than his fastball....

And lastly, uh, Transformers? Really?

And the pic?


Monday, April 13, 2009

THE_REAL_SHAQ: Great Twitterer or Greatest Twitterer? - Shaquille O'Neal's Top Twitter Moments

Shaq is not only a force in the paint, but the man is possibly the most innovative Twitter user on the plant or in all of "Twitteronia." A term Big Diesel himself coined.

In what will become a weekly, and probably monthly installment at his rate, we'll highlight the best Shaq-meets-Twitter moments for you're viewing pleasure. This week:

Shaq's Treasure Hunt!

As this Deadspin.com post points out, beginning last February, Shaq posted little clues about his wherabouts during Phoenix Suns home and away games. When a @THE_REAL_SHAQ follower on Twitter would decipher the mind warping clues and eventually find the big man, a prize of free game tickets would be waiting. If you're lucky enough then you might even get to snap a photograph that will live in the Intertubes forever for people to laugh at!

Yep. When Shaq's online, every geek with a Tweetdeck and/or iPhone/Blackberry is a winner!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tweetalete Bloggers Master List

Ok so after doing some reasearch, here is the current MASTER LIST of all known professional athletes using Twitter at the moment:

Steve Nash, Phoenix Suns: @the_real_nash

Chris Cooley, Washington Redskins: @thecooleyzone

Curt Shilling, MLB (Retired): @gehrig38

Jalen Rose, NBA (Retired): @jalenrose

Barry Zito, San Francisco Giants: @BarryZito

Chris Bosh, Toronto Raptors: @chrisbosh

Tiger Woods, PGA: @RealTigerWoods

Jason Richardson, Phoenix Suns: @jrich23

Baron Davis, LA Clippers: @Baron_Davis

Paul Pierce, Boston Celtics: @paulpierce34

Serena Williams, Tennis: @serenajwilliams

Dave Zabriskie, cycling: @dzabriskie

Charlie Villanueva, Millwaukee Bucks: @CV31

Nick Swisher, New York Yankees: @NickSwisher

CC Sabathia, New York Yankees: @CC_Sabathia

Kerry Rhodes, New York Jets: @kerryrhodes

Morgan Pressel, LPGA: @morganpressel

Taylor Phinney, cycling: @taylorphinney

Kyle Petty, NASCAR: @kylepetty

Shaquille O'Neal, Phoenix Suns: @THE_REAL_SHAQ

Troy Murphy, Indiana Pacers: @troy_murphy

Robbie McEwen, cycling: @mcewenrobbie

Levi Leiphemier, cycling: @Levi_Leipheimer

Bobby Labonte, NASCAR: @bobbylabonte

George Hincapie, cycling: @ghincapie

Tony Hawk, skateboarding: @tonyhawk

Natalie Gulbis, LPGA: @natalie_gulbis

Danny Granger, Indiana Pacers: @dgranger33

Christian Vande Velde, cycling: @ChristianVDV

Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks owner: @Mark_Cuban

Pete Carroll, USC football coach: @PeteCarroll

Tyson Chandler, New Orleans Hornets: @tysonchandler

[Chicago Sun Times]

*If you've found other professional athletes on Twitter not included on this list, please let us know by emailing tweetalete@gmail.com

Professional Athletes on Twitter?

Yes, pro athletes do, indeed, use the social networking service Twitter. So this blog will keep track of who said what from the sidelines or where you can find Shaq at the current moment. Also, from time to time I will provide my additional commentary on why so-and-so is awesome at tweeting and why Barry Zito isn't.

Anyway, have fun! This is going to be TWEET!