Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tweetalete Bloggers Master List

Ok so after doing some reasearch, here is the current MASTER LIST of all known professional athletes using Twitter at the moment:

Steve Nash, Phoenix Suns: @the_real_nash

Chris Cooley, Washington Redskins: @thecooleyzone

Curt Shilling, MLB (Retired): @gehrig38

Jalen Rose, NBA (Retired): @jalenrose

Barry Zito, San Francisco Giants: @BarryZito

Chris Bosh, Toronto Raptors: @chrisbosh

Tiger Woods, PGA: @RealTigerWoods

Jason Richardson, Phoenix Suns: @jrich23

Baron Davis, LA Clippers: @Baron_Davis

Paul Pierce, Boston Celtics: @paulpierce34

Serena Williams, Tennis: @serenajwilliams

Dave Zabriskie, cycling: @dzabriskie

Charlie Villanueva, Millwaukee Bucks: @CV31

Nick Swisher, New York Yankees: @NickSwisher

CC Sabathia, New York Yankees: @CC_Sabathia

Kerry Rhodes, New York Jets: @kerryrhodes

Morgan Pressel, LPGA: @morganpressel

Taylor Phinney, cycling: @taylorphinney

Kyle Petty, NASCAR: @kylepetty

Shaquille O'Neal, Phoenix Suns: @THE_REAL_SHAQ

Troy Murphy, Indiana Pacers: @troy_murphy

Robbie McEwen, cycling: @mcewenrobbie

Levi Leiphemier, cycling: @Levi_Leipheimer

Bobby Labonte, NASCAR: @bobbylabonte

George Hincapie, cycling: @ghincapie

Tony Hawk, skateboarding: @tonyhawk

Natalie Gulbis, LPGA: @natalie_gulbis

Danny Granger, Indiana Pacers: @dgranger33

Christian Vande Velde, cycling: @ChristianVDV

Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks owner: @Mark_Cuban

Pete Carroll, USC football coach: @PeteCarroll

Tyson Chandler, New Orleans Hornets: @tysonchandler

[Chicago Sun Times]

*If you've found other professional athletes on Twitter not included on this list, please let us know by emailing

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